Summer Camps

Summer Camp 2024

Ages 4 - 14

Campers must turn 4 by September 1, 2024.

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate children younger than 4. Developmentally, children under age 4 typically need time to adjust to new routines and build relationships with caregivers, which is not possible in a summer camp context.


Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Extended day care may be available pending interest.

Week 1: July 8 - July 12

Week 2: July 15 - July 19

Week 3: July 22 - July 26

Week 4: July 29 - August 2

Week 5: August 5 - August 9

Week 6: August 12 - August 16

Week 7: August 19 - August 23

Week 8: August 26 - August 30


Our rates are based on a sliding scale, to provide as much economic accessibility as possible. Tier 1 spots are limited, so please be mindful of financial resources that you might be able to access when selecting the Tier 1 rate. You may self-select the appropriate tier for your family on our registration page.

Payment plans are available. To request a payment plan, please contact

Tier 1 - Subsidized Rate: $375 per week (intended for families with an annual income below $40,000 annually)

Tier 2 - Standard Rate: $425 per week (intended for families with an annual income between $40,000 - $80,000 annually)

Tier 3 - Sponsor Rate: $475 per week (intended for families with an annual income above $80,000 annually)

***Camp registration fees are non-refundable except in cases of hardship. However, if cancellation occurs before June 1, we can offer a 50% credit for future programs that is valid for one year. In cases of cancellation after June 1 due to extreme hardship, families may submit a request for a full or partial refund for consideration by our review committee.


Camp at Wheelhouse Creative Education Center is all about curiosity, creativity, and quirkiness. We cultivate experiences that nourish children’s hearts, making space for joyful relationships with themselves, each other, and the natural world. Located on a 9-acre wooded campus with an idyllic stream, we fill our days exploring the land, soaking in the sounds and smells of the forest, then transforming these experiences into creative expression through visual art, performance, scientific investigation, conversation, and activism in our classroom spaces. This will be our first summer at our permanent Acra location, and we will also be developing garden spaces and forest infrastructure along with children. Our approach is free-thinking, emergent, and delights in each child’s uniqueness. Weekly themes serve as invitations to explore new topics, which evolve in myriad ways through children's contributions. 

Themes may include:

  • The Life and Times of Native Flora

  • The Furry and the Feathered

  • Insectopedia

  • Water Ways

  • Who Lived Here?

  • An Ancient Sea

  • Forest Geology

  • Enchanted Forest